Red Hook Fairway To Re-Open March 1st

Here's a Valentine's Day present for anyone who loves Fairway, and for the residents and small business owners of Red Hook who have lost a ton of business since Hurricane Sandy put the neighborhood anchor out of commission for the past four months: the Red Hook Fairway is on schedule to re-open on March 1st. Apparently, they have done a major renovation, changing some of the things that made shopping there frustrating. According to this video from the Fairway website: "There will be no more dead more breadcrumbs to find your way out of produce." All in all, with wider aisles, it will be "easier to shop, easier to navigate." I'm hoping that means you will no longer want to punch yourself in the face if you get to the frozen section and realize you forgot to pick up a head of garlic.
There are big plans to celebrate on re-opening day, with hometown girl Miss America, Mayor Bloomberg and Marty Markowitz (of course) in attendance. Sounds like it will be mayhem, but there will also be giveaways, so hey, free stuff!