Privacy Is Dead "Installations" Popping Up in Park Slope

Privacy is dead, people! And some very creative person/people want(s) us all to know this. I came upon this little graveyard scene at the corner of Union Street and 7th Avenue yesterday afternoon. Several small kids were fascinated and asking questions like "who died, Mommy?" and "was it a cat?" I checked out the hashtag on Twitter, and found posts with images of similar scenes from Prospect Park and other parts of the Slope, as well as Williamsburg.
There are references to different things like Snowden's email provider shutting down, rather than provide access to emails of all of its users, the Credit Suisse situation, the NSA Prism program having access to basically everything you do online, etc. It's unclear why the date on the all the gravestones is May 17th. Any guesses?