Pork Slope Opens Tomorrow!

(Editor's Note: This post originally said that Pork Slope was opening today, 8/17, when in fact it opens tomorrow, 8/18. We're just THAT excited.)
Tomorrow is the day, Road House fans! The bar is stocked, the dart board it up and the boars heads -- officially deemed "Boss Hog" and "Piggie Smalls" -- are hung on the walls. Pork Slope officially opens tomorrow.
FiPS was lucky enough attend the pre-opening party Wednesday night (where we spotted plenty of food bloggers, local comedian favorites Eugene Mirman & Wyatt Cenac, and -- randomly -- Adam Brody from The OC), and had a sweet sampling of Dale's fried chicken, St. Louis ribs and cheeseburgers. You guys won't be disappointed. Here's a little bar food porn from our photog friend Eric Isaac.
Dale Talde tosses a batch of his delicious buffalo wings.
Co-owner David Massoni points out either Biggie Smalls or Boss Hog
Pork Slope is located at 247 Fifth Avenue. The bar is open daily from 5 p.m. - 4 a.m.; the kitchen closes at 2 a.m. Pork Slope is cash-only. Phone: 718-768-7675.
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