Polar Vortex Part Deux: Time to Grow Some Snow Balls

Hey, it's snowing! A lot! Let's all freak out!
On second thought, let's just all take a breath (or a Xanax) and remember that this is what happens in winter in the Northeast. It snows. Sometimes it snows a lot. We are New Yorkers. We can handle this shit. We can also use it as a perfect excuse to be totally cranky, because trudging back and forth from Manhattan to Brooklyn ain't no fun in this weather. Just ask the poor souls who had to take the F or G train this morning.
Park Slope Stoop has some handy info about things you might want to know, like the fact that alternate is suspended today and tomorrow, you still have to pay at parking meters, and you should clear the fucking sidewalks in front of your fucking brownstones, you fucking assholes. Maybe not in so many words.
My only blizzard advice? Tip your delivery people double if your lazy ass orders in tonight. And if you take your kids sledding in the park, don't be a douche and tell them to get the fuck out of the way at the bottom of the hill, and to walk back up on the sides, not from whence they came. Stay warm.