Park Slope Comic Duo Starts Campaign to Buy Patrick Stewart A Stroller
Posted by:
Karen |
Monday, May 5, 2014 at 12:00PM

As you may recall, a few weeks ago our favorite Slope celeb, Sir Patrick Stewart, lit up the internet with his comments about not fitting in here because he and his wife don't own a stroller. Well, comedian couple Katie Goodman and Soren Kisiel -- of Shit Park Slope Parents Say fame -- have come to the rescue by starting an Indiegogo campaign to help buy the couple their very own fancy-pants stroller.
Major props to Boing Boing owner, Karen Paperno, for her hilariously deranged cameo at about 2:20, wherein she excoriates all stroller owners for taking up too much room (Boing Boing doesn't even sell strollers) and extolling the virtues of the sling, instead. Well played, Ms. Paperno!
Oh, and Soren assures us that any money that actually do raise, "assuming Patrick Stewart turns down the stroller," they will donate to a Brooklyn child-oriented charity.