Park Slope Bodega Is Totally Cool With Your Kid Peeing on the Floor
Posted by:
Kerri |
Monday, March 19, 2012 at 1:30PM

Photo via themanwhonevermissed.blogspot.comLoeffler Randall designer Jessie Randall recently explained to Racked why she prefers one Park Slope deli over the rest:
Now my go-to deli is a place called [La] Dolce Vita in Park Slope. My son Liam peed directly on their floor one time, like a LOT of pee and they were so completely lovely about it. I would be freaking out if it happened but they were so sweet. Maybe kids with toilet training accidents is something you have to get used to in Park Slope.
Many a hat off to you, La Dolce Vita. Way to win Park Slope's "Business Most Tolerant of Bodily Fluids" award.