Park Slope Assholery: Cave Dwellers Part 2

From FIPS reader Chris:
Way back in July FIPS contributor Allison took note of a certain dirt-laden monstrosity of a city dumpster that was taking up precious asphalt outside some fancy Brownstone on Carroll St. For at least two and half years! At the time she reasoned that some rich old coot was steadily digging his way to China.
Well it turns out 15th St has been home to its very own renegade, shanty-town dumpster for the better part of 2010.
I actually remember the thing getting towed onto the block nearly 7 months ago. It was during the summer and throughout many weeks I witnessed several Hispanic laborers tossing trash into its over sized confines, only to sit untended to this very day covered with a blue tarp, where piles of snow, black trash bags, and random furniture have steadily accumulated since city sanitation shut down after last week’s shit storm.
So to whom does this yellow waste of space belong? Squatting hipsters under cover of darkness? Perhaps some d.i.n.k. couple hoarding valuable real estate? And how long will it be before 15th Streeters can once again use the space effectively to not drive their car all week?
Well if Carroll St. is any indication we’ll be acquainted with ol' yellow for some time.
Hmm...How does one even find out who dumpsters belong to? And are they given time limits for parking these mofos on the street? How does that shit work?

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