Over 100 Guns turned in during Brooklyn's Most Recent Gun Buy-Back

image from PS Patch
In the wake of the unspeakably awful events in Newtown, CT last Friday, NYPD's Commissioner Ray Kelly, King's County Attorney General, Charles Hynes and a handful of other State and local politicians sponsored another gun buy-back program. This past Saturday, 134 guns were taken off the street. The event was held from 10AM-4PM at two locations: St. Ollie's Baptist church in Brownsville and St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Cyrus Hills.
According to Park Slope Patch, 80 of the guns were revolvers and 31 were semi-automatic pistols. There was also a sawed-off shot gun, four rifles and assorted other smaller weapons.
"Once again, we have shown the effectiveness of innovation and creativity in law enforcement, in taking guns off the streets and making Brooklyn an even safer place to live," Haynes said in a statement. He also went on to thank Commissioner Kelly for his support.
This was the fourth run of gun buy-back programs starting in 2008, followed by another in 2010, with the third being last June. In total, more than 8000 guns have been surrendered since the beginning of the program.