One Gloved Run: A Run/Walk Tribute to Michael Jackson

For those of you who already think our two little mini-posts about MJ are "over the top," buckle your fucking seatbealts and feast your eyes on this!:
Please join us this Tuesday, June 30at 7:30 p.m.,for a loop around Prospect Park to celebrate the music of Michael Jackson.
Glittery costumes and/or wigs and makeup are encouraged (some of us will be going with the simple white t-shirt/black pants/blackfedora combo), boomboxes playing the greatest hits will be carried, and when we reach the end of the loop, we will organize a mass Thriller dance.
Let's do right by MJ and make a spectacle! Don't worry if you're not a runner; we'll take it slow.
We'll go for drinks afterward, of course, where we'll dance... on the floor... in the round. See you there!
This Thriller flashmob will be meeting at the PPW & 9th street entrance, and for any one that IS attending, I beg of you to take photos and video.