Norah! Norah! Norah!!!!

Norah Jones. TODAY, June 9. Prospect Park Bandshell. 7pm. Free. Or so they say.
Give us the inside line on best seats. When do you actually need to arrive? Best picnic food nearby? Best cheap wine? Best BK brew?
I'm going to buy a lighter for this one, I tell you.
Can't wait. You?
Hard-hitting investigative reporter that I am, I trolled for a press pass while riding to the 9th St Playground today and, YAY!, got it. Because I'm a journalist, goddamn it! Never mind that the husband's out of town and I'm going to be arriving with whiny/hungry/prematurely cynical children in tow.
I have my questions ready. In fact, I emailed them to the the publicity dude on my beloved Norah's site. What do you think are the chances she'll get back to me?
Do you agree that Park Slope is the most desirable neighborhood in NYC, better than billyburg could ever hope to be?
Do you think New York Magazine should issue a retraction for its shoddy designation of PS as the city’s #1 nabe?
Would you ever join the food coop?
Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Park Slope Food Coop?
Do you think all those new high rises in Williamsburg are as hideous as I do?
What’s your favorite Brooklyn restaurant? venue? Micro-beer? haunt of any kind?
Do you have anything to say to the alternately stellar and sanctimonious people of Park Slope?