Konditori Shut By DOH on Thursday

Things that make me drop my jaw and twist my face into a Renee Zellweger I-just-ate-something-rancid expression: Walking to Konditori on Seventh Avenue at 8:45 this morning, seeing it shuttered with Department of Health notices up on the door.
Here's the sign on the door:
According to a source, whom we'll call Lady Smoking a Cigarette Outside of Lumiere, "They were closed for having a lemon peel on the floor. They'll be open in an hour."
I went to Almondine, where I overheard on FIPSter say of Kondi, "I'm gonna be pissed if my stampcards aren't valid any longer."
I'm currently sitting in the city, but anyone in the 'hood got any updates on the Konditori situation? Say it ain't so--an iced swedish and vegan cookie has saved me from many bouts of (temporary) insanity.