How to avoid your own sexting scandal: Nudie Pic Edition!

Hot on the heels of Weinergate and the leaked naughty photos of Blake Lively that no one seems to give a shit about, Park Slope has it's own little nudie photo scandal going on right now.
A close friend of mine is a bartender at one of the Slope's most popular bars. One night as he was closing down, he came across a cell phone left on the cushion of one of the couches. Hoping he could help return the phone, he looked at the recent call log and tried the last few numbers called. It was about 4:30am, so it wasn't much of a surprise when no one picked up. He thought, Maybe I'll check the pictures, see if I know who this is. After all, this bar is filled with regulars. Sounds like solid reasoning, eh?
Well... he didn't know who it was. But the pictures he found? Let's just say, they helped him get to know her much better ("Click to Read More" will get you a heavily-pixelated, barely NSFW photo).
We're talking 20-30 different photos of this girl in very... compromising positions. Shots of her alone. Shots of her with someone else. Shots of her with a handheld electronic device. The kind of pictures you wouldn't want just anyone to see. Side by side with photos of this girl and her family at a recent birthday party and picnic in Prospect Park.
So my friend did what most straight dudes would probably do: he showed his co-workers. And eventually, someone took pictures with their phones. And next thing you knew, this girl's vaj was being texted, tweeted, and emailed to folks all over of the Slope.
Now I'm not saying what my friend did was right. These were private photos likely meant for two pairs of eyes. But it's 2011 people! How does this shit keep happening? Let's go over the rules one more time, shall we? If you take nude pictures of yourself:
- Keep your face out of it
- Hide any visible tattoos or birth marks
- Delete those photos from your phone right after you send them
- If you want to keep your pictures, PUT A PASSWORD ON YOUR PHONE!
LASTLY -- The second you take a dirty photo you are opening yourself up to the very real possibility that this nudie pic will someday be leaked. Hackers, vengeful exes, accidental sharing (like that classic sitcom storyline where the couple accidentally returns their dirty home movie instead of Homeward Bound to Blockbuster) -- all of these scenarios have happened time and time again.
Of course, you could just not sext in the first place. But what fun would that be?