Holy Stolen Plutonium! There Was A DeLorean on 5th Avenue Last Night

Guys, I was picking up some laundry last night when I noticed there was a fucking Delorean sitting on 5th Ave at 20th street. As in, the car from Back to the Future. As in, “if you’re gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style?” As in, “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” As in, I just lived out a childhood dream on a Sunday night in Park Slope.
Why was there a Delorean in the Slope? Valerie Randazzo, owner of Leathernecks Tattoo, is having a fundraiser to raise money for Huntington's Disease by having people stop by to take photos with it (and yes, it was one of the actual cars from the movies). The money will go to the Terrence Cardinal Cooke Health Care Center's HD unit.
Leathernecks Tattoo is also having a Halloween Party/Fundraiser for Huntington's on Saturday October 25th from 6 p.m. to 1 AM, $15 Suggested Donation at Door, with some cool contests (best costume, raffle, free tattoo raffle) and dancing and drinks.
Huntington's is a hereditary disease and Valerie said it runs in her family. So if you want to help raise money, check out the party on the 25th -- not QUITE as cool as sitting in a fucking DeLorean, but still a good time.