GoogaMooga Part Deux-Ga: Bigger. Better. Longer.

The return of The Great GoogaMooga, Brooklyn’s 21st century version of Woodstock, is upon us. As we mentioned back in March, the organizers have promised a ton of improvements so that they won't have a repeat of the multiple clusterfucks that went down last year: It's three days instead of two, there will be more vegan/vegetarian/gluten-free food options, more than twice the cast registers, only one food item at each vendor (because making decisions slows people down?), extra cell phone towers so you can tweet and instagram to your fucking heart's delight.
Go for the music, stay for the food. Or vice versa. It doesn’t really matter when you find yourself eating Do or Dine foie gras sliders, drinking an Ommegang, and listening to some cool band with a name I’m too old to understand. Well, unless you're there Sunday night, in which case you'll be listening to Kool and The Gang. Celebrate good times, come on!
Give us a shout on Facebook and/or Twitter, so that those of us not going can live vicariously through you (or feel smug for being smart enough not to even try this time around). Shawn (a.k.a. Parowpyro) will be giving us his recap early next week.