First there was the South Slope cat. Now we have the PHeights Hawk.
Posted by:
Karen |
Wednesday, October 23, 2013 at 1:21PM

A FIPS reader just wrote in to alert us to a new bully on the block, The PHeights Hawk:
First the crazy cat, now this! I just saw a hawk swoop down and murder an innocent pigeon in the bike lane on plaza street. It was pretty bad; the hawk was squeezing the shit out if the pigeon AND he was blocking the bike lane! Rude hawk alert.
But seriously if you have any small pets that go outside they will probably be eaten.
I live right near there, but have yet to witness any of these hawk-ish shenanigans. Plus, my dad's from Iowa so I'm partial to Hawks. But, seriously, since when are pigeons "innocent?"