FIPS FAVES: Guilty Pleasure Food

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We all know there's a ton of good shit to eat in the neighborhood, but what's that one thing that tastes sooooo good but makes you feel soooo bad? Here's what the FIPS wack pack had to say. Chime in with your own guilty pleasures in the comments.
Nine Daves/Erica (Loud and in unison): 7th AVENUE DONUTS!!!!!! Specifically, the French cruller, the marble twist, and the chocolate cream, and AH FUCK IT...ALL OF THEM!
LJ: My favorite guilty pleasure in the slope is the foot long Bierkraft vegetable sandwich hand-in-hand with a growler of their Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale. 'Nuff said.
Jonny: Peanut Curry at Nahm Thai on 5th. Not all that guilty but fucking delicious. I get it with the faux duck because that's just the thing to do.
Roshow: Fried ball of mac & cheese at Chip Shop. Self explanatory.
Thomas: The Mac 'n' Cheese at Double Windsor. It's a pleasure, because it's good, and when I have it, it's usually because I'm day-drinking on a weekend, which is FUN! It makes me feel guilty because it's got dairy, and you don't want to be hanging out with me after I've been eating cheese all day. And also because the Double Windsor got a "B" rating from the Board of Health, which...well...let's just say that getting a "B" in Algebra is way better than getting a "B" on your health inspection. At least with "Grade Pending" you can delude yourself into thinking that there's not a problem, but the letter grade system doesn't grade on a curve. There's "A." There's "B." And there's "We're shutting this shit hole down." But the bar food at Double Windsor is so good, it gives me a half-chub. And especially the Mac 'n' Cheese.
Kymmie: I'll admit I feel a tiny pang of guilt ordering $12 salads from Grill Delight on 16th and 5th because A. It's 1/2 a block from my apartment and 2. I could easily make the same salad for $5 if I wasn't so lazy....and by lazy I mean I usually have just left the gym and can't be bothered to walk the extra 50 feet on my way home.
J. Charles: I'm going to have to go with that damn chicken sandwich from Two Boots with a side of Cajun tater tots. It's like a crack rock for me. I can't resist. It brings me to a warm and fuzzy happy place of obesity.
Parowpyro: I have a LOT of guilty pleasures, but I'll go with the bacon peanut brittle at terroir. i know it's tearing apart what's left of my teeth and I know that bacon has totally jumped the hipster shark, but i couldn't care less.
Karen: The coco bread at Christie's is the bomb -- a giant, doughy, slightly sweet bomb of pure carbohydrates, with no nutritional value whatsoever. Some people get a Jamaican patty stuffed inside the coco bread, but that's just crazypants.