FiPS Faves: Easter Candy Round-up

With Easter fast approaching, we asked the FiPS writers to wax poetic about their favoirte Easter candy. Not surprisingly, there are some strong opinions from this bunch:
NineDaves: I'd like to throw some love to the Reese's Egg. I know you can get Reese's all the time, but these are different. There's like, 100% more peanut butter and they're totally delicious. Plus they're individually wrapped and always right by check out for 50 cents a pop. Which means they're dangerous. I usually buy one to eat on my way out of CVS, and two to, like many before me, throw in the freezer. And yes, while you can get Reese's Hearts at Valentine's Day and Reese's Pumpkins at Halloween and Reese's Bells at Christmas that are basically the same, I always prefer the Egg. Also, if I were picking candy I hate, Peeps is on the top of the list.
Erica: I don't know WTF has been going on over the past few years, but you can read about my frustrations in procuring cadbury mini eggs here. I'm running into similar problems this year. Either they are immediately sold out, or they are not stocked as much. Cadbury mini eggs basically used to rain from the sky, and now I find them harder to get than a decent weed delivery.
Ursula: I picked these chocolate ducks up last year for passover at Fairway. Basically, some candy company had old Easter Ducks and repackaged them for sad Jewish kids (like myself) under the guise of "Mild Mannered Duck by Day. Intergalactic Super Hero by Night." Whatever - all the pops are just ducks with parasols and easter bonnets.
Daniel: My favorite Passover candy is Rasberry Gel Rings. It's cool. I'm sure all you non-chosen people wouldn't understand.
Karen: I'm with NineDaves on the Reese's Egg. Our friends invite our kids to go along on their Easter egg hunt in Prospect Park, which basically involves my friend going to the park ahead of us and dropping a variety of foil-wrapped chocolate eggs along a 50 foot path. I'm always sure to "help" the kids, and manage to snag a few Reese's eggs for myself when they're not looking.
KymmieP: As the resident Nebraskan Jew, I thought it was only appropriate to throw in my vote for favorite Passover candy. Anyone who's had those jellied-sliced-fruit-sugar-bombs knows exactly why the little Jewish kids in their neighborhoods didn't waste time searching for eggs in a field. No yeast, no problem.
J. Charles: Like our fearless founding leader, Erica, I have a crack-like addiction to cadbury mini-eggs. I throw them shits in the freezer and it's what I assume Nirvana feels like. Then once the Easter Bunny arrives, I agree with Jonathan, it's cream eggs till I become pre-diabetes.
Chinae: I'm really boring and don't eat candy. Wah wah.
Roshow: I don't know how long these have been around but I recently discovered and fell in love with Butterfinger Easter Eggs. I'm a simple man.
Jonny: Cadbury Cream Eggs are the ONLY Easter Candy!!
Vee: My college roommate taught me the best trick. You buy a holllow chocolate easter bunny, break off an ear and fill it with milk. Genius.
Thomas: I have a very strong opinion on this topic. I like the malted milk chocolate eggs with the thin hard-candy shell. This is a tricky candy, because there are also solid milk-chocolate eggs with the same goddamned candy coating. That pisses me right the fuck off. I mean, I grab a fist-full of those things, thinking that my mouth will be filled with beautiful, malty, airy, light, just tinged with chocolate frothiness, surrounded by a crunchy candy shell. I don't get that, though. Oh, no. I get a big brown mouth of milk chocolate glop, with tiny chunks of candy coating, instead. So, let me be clear: the best Easter candy of all time is the malted milk eggs with speckled candy coating, and if you think otherwise, you are EXACTLY WRONG about that. Also, I'm reading what I wrote about things I would put in my mouth, and it sounds kind of dirty. Let's just chalk this whole reply up to "day-drinking.
What about you? Tell us your favorite Easter candy in the comments.