FIPS Cares Follow-up. Because We Really Do Care! (Sometimes)

Photo by Alexander Hatos, Courtesy of the NY Historical Society
FIPS'ters first I have to say thank you. A nice number of you came through to donate my Kickstarter last week. You know the one for my play about the demolition of the old Penn Station. The one I won't shut the hell up about. Well lucky for you, in a little over 24 hours, my campaign will be over.
Not lucky for me, I'm a couple thousand short of my goal. Wah waah. But fear not, you can help me solve this dilemma. If I did my back of the envelope math correctly, if everyone who saw this post pledged at least 5 bucks, right now, our project would be funded. Just sayin'. So if this sounds sensible to you, click here and do it.
Ok end of plea. And since I love you all, I'm sharing a link to one of my Backer Exclusive Updates from Kickstarter with some recently unearthed Penn Demo photos no one has ever.
You guys are the best! Also here's a video which aptly describes exactly how I feel doing this. "What your funding by sending us money, is your funding love."