FIPS BROKEN NEWS: Rare Dust Devil Brightens Up A Hipster's Sunday

Photo via Daily Mail via Twitter via Hipsters
Dust Devil: A small whirlwind or air vortex over land, visible as a column of dust and debris. --New Oxford American Dictionary
Honestly, I thought a Dust Devil was that candy apple red hand-held vacuum hanging in my mother's closet. Turns out that's a Dirt Devil and a Dust Devil is the bone fide name of a funnel of dust crashing a gorgeous Sunday afternoon in Greenpoint's McCaren Park. Which it did. This past Sunday. And although it's not Park Slope, the video below certainly is Broken News worthy if only for the people watching. Take a look!
I'm not sure what's stranger that this even happened, or that the Daily Mail actually cared about it. Nonchalant Auteur, Michael Gambale who filmed the phenomena titled his video "Dirtbag Hipster Twister Studs Brooklyn." Clever. Apparently the whole thing, like awful sex, lasted for about a minute and had some dudes running in and out of it at one point or another.
Mother Jones enlightened us with some more science behind what makes a Dust Devil tick:
The spiraling, orange tunnel-like phenomenon appears to be a textbook specimen of a 'dust devil', which according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration definition, is a 'small, rapidly rotating wind that is made visible by the dust, dirt or debris it picks up.' It's not a tornado, which is much more powerful and connected to a cloud, and certainly not as dangerous (though in 1992, an Albuquerque dust devil produced 70 mph winds, equivalent to a typical severe thunderstorm.) Instead, according to NASA, 'a dust devil typically forms on a clear day when the ground is heated by the sun, warming the air just above the ground. As heated air near the surface rises quickly through a small pocket of cooler air above it, the air may begin to rotate, if conditions are just right.'
And although this Dust Devil was fairly weak, quick and dirty, Gambale had this to say about it: "It's a dirtbag hipster tornado and it's Brooklyn's." I've got 10 to 1 that this shit will be on a shirt by next week? Who's in?
PS--OOOOO!! So I just thought of this: Twipster? Huh? Can we make that a thing?