FIPS Broken News: Holy Hate Crime at the Barclay's Center

Well here's something awful to report. Leonard Petlakh Executive Director of Kings Bay YM-YWHA was attacked last night in front of his children as he was leaving the Nets-Maccabi Tel Aviv game at the Barclay's Center last night.
According to Sheepshead Bites, a Pro-Palestine rally entered the Barclay Center but was asked to leave by a Barclay's security team after being antagonistic to spectators. The group went outside and started chanting, "Free Palestine," and "You people are murderers." One of those protesters punched Petlakh in the face. The game was preceded by an event that celebrated the Friends of the Israel Defense Force and twelve wounded Israeli soldiers were participating in the event.
The Kings Bay Y issued a statement saying that Petlakh was taken to Methodist Hospital where he was treated for a broken nose and lacerations under eye that required eight stitches. The attackers raced from the scene and the NYPD is investigating the incident as a hate crime. Luckily there were hundreds of people leaving the game and the incident was all caught on tape.
Petlakh issued this statement:
I am upset that my children witnessed this unprecedented violence, but I hope it sends a strong message to them to stand up for their values as proud Americans and as those who will eventually volunteer to serve in the Israel Defense Forces.
Park Slope Senior Rabbi Andy Bachman at Congregation Beth Elohim also issued a statement saying that Beth Elohim "deplored the recent anti-Semitic attacks on Tuesday evening against our friend and colleague." He also went on to say:
As a leader in the Jewish community of New York, reaching across Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities to strengthen our diversity with a voice of tolerance and respect, Leonard is the very model of the Jewish ethic of "love thy neighbor as thyself." We wish Leonard a full recovery and pray that our city's leaders will speak out against this anti-Jewish incident and all acts of hate.