Cool Or Not Cool: Treating A Coffee Shop Like YOur Living Room?

OK, let's get right down to it.
Shoes off, feet up on a chair, belongings strewn about. Lately I've seen a lot of people treating coffee shops like their own apartments. Recently, my friend was sitting on a couch at a Park Slope coffee shop and a man sat beside her, took his shoes and socks off -- it was 90 degrees out this day, mind you -- and put his dirty feet up on the couch inches away from her hands, which were holding a chocolate chip scone. She couldn't finish the scone then, nor has she been able to eat one since. Yes, she's absolutely being a bit overdramatic, but still, it begs the question: how much luxury does one deserve along with the purchase of a cup of coffee or muffin?
You tell me, reader -- what's cool and what's not cool?
* Taking off your shoes and putting your feet up on furniture?
* Bringing your own food/drinks into a coffee shop?
* Using outlets to power anything other than a computer or phone?
* Putting various bags, clothing and items on nearby seats when a place isn't empty?
Tell me your thoughts.