COOL OR NOT COOL: Pornography at the Barber?

One of our lovable FIPS writers was recently sharing with me that on his last trip to the barber, he glanced over during the 5 minute wait before his haircut and happened to notice a Playboy magazine lying around (see exhibit A above).
I guess Playboy is considered a fairly tame, barely classified as pornography type of mag nowadays, but still: it makes me go "hmm." Especially when I think about the equivalent. Like, for instance, I show up to Lin Lee for a nice mani/pedi and as I go to sit down on the massage chair before dipping my toes in the pedi bath, I notice a Playgirl mag on my seat. I WOULD BE FROZEN. Probably unable to speak for hours. Maybe even days.
But as we all know, I'm a fucking moron.
So maybe this is now a thing? Cool or not cool?