Cool or Not Cool: Make Large Parties Give Cops & Community Board a Heads-Up

City Council member Jumaane Williams plans to propose legislation that requires hosts of large parties (40+ peeps) to give cops and their local community board a heads-up at least than three days before. Not that you will need their permission. It would just mean you have to NARC on yourself before the party even happens.
Williams’ legislation comes in response to a shooting at an East Flatbush party last month. A man who was denied entrance fired into a crowd of guests, injuring eight. Williams feels this was inevitable, saying that “when there's 200, 300 people in a backyard, and this happens on a routine basis, you're really inviting trouble."
In addition, Williams proposes fines for house parties that advertise, charge a covers at the door and/or sell drinks (aka “house clubs”).
NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly had no comment on the legislation. He did say that the police does monitor large parties with a history of getting out of hand. So forewarned does not necessarily mean forearmed.
It seems to me there’s nothing cool nor even useful about the hassle of calling the cops and community board as part of planning a big house party. But fuck what I think. What do you think about Williams’ proposed legislation: cool or not cool?