Cool or Not Cool: Driving A Golf Cart Through The Streets of Park Slope

Photos by Bruno J. NavarroEveryone loves driving golf carts but that doesn’t mean golf carts should be driven everywhere. For instance, they probably should not be driven on 6th Ave. But FiPS reader Bruno sent along some pictures showing a genius couple doing just that.
They drove along 6th Ave, ultimately making a right onto 9th Street. The cart puttered along the avenue, the woman in the passenger’s seat on the phone, seemingly giving directions. Apparently those directions didn’t include “stay out of the bike lane,” which they proceeded to drive along... in the wrong direction.
Sadly, no one knows what they were thinking. I imagine it sounded like a good idea on paper and, once on the road, they felt too committed to the concept to stop. Has anyone seen this or any other golf cart driving around the ‘hood? Was this inevitable? Do you think it’s time we get a golf cart lane on Prospect Park West? Are we on the precipice of the great golf cart revolution?