COOL OR NOT COOL: Calling Me 'Sweetie, Cookie, Hon or Love'?
From my Park Slope bud Karen...who is def not your baby:
Have you heard anyone else complain about this one particular barista at Starbucks on 7th Ave.? Here is how it went down the other morning (keep in mind that this girl is no more than 25 years old).
I approach the register...
Annoying barista: “What are you having, hon?”
Me: “Venti iced-green tea, unsweetened.”
AB: “That will be $2.89, hon.”
Me: Handed over the cash
AB: “Have a nice day, sweetie.”
Maybe it’s just me, but the only people I want calling me sweetie, hon, or darling, are Diner waitresses over 60, preferably named Thelma, Norma, or Roz.
I gotta admit: this really bugs the shit out of me too. Are we both just total bitches, or do all y'all hate when servers or cashiers (or really anyone you don't know) does this as well?
And what about if a dude server/cashier got all "sweetie, cookie, baby" with a woman?
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