Can I Get A "Really?!" Chabon and Waldman Writing Park Slope Superhero Musical

Brooklyn Superhero Supply (Katie Sokoler/Gothamist)
Right before I went on vacation I glimpsed a Gothamist tweet buried in their Friday evening mass of messages: "Michael Chabon and Ayelet Waldman Working On Musical About Dave Egger's 826 NYC."
Did you ALSO spit gin and tonic all over your computer screen?
Apparently authors and super-couple Michael Chabon (Wonder Boys, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay) and Ayelet Waldman (Bad Mother) are writing a musical about Dave Eggers's nonprofit 826NYC; specifically the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co. on Fifth Ave in Park Slope.
Wha wha what? Why? Don't get me wrong: I think 826NYC is doing some awesome work with kids, but honestly isn't a musical about this the most pretentious thing you've heard? I can only hope it's for charity. Well at least they aren't collaborating on any other really kooky topics. Wait, did you just say they're making an HBO pilot about World War II era magicians battling Hitler? Geeeeezus.