Calling All Synagogue-less MOTs: A Guide to High Holy Day Services

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It's one thing to be a lonely Jew on Christmas, but there's no reason for you to be a lonely Jew on Rosh Hashanah on Yom Kippur, just because you don't actually belong to a shul (membership dues are pricey, yo.). There are definitely some options for you in and around the neighborhood, but for most of them, you can't just roll up and walk in. Here's a short guide to a few places we found for you once-a-year types:
"If you are not a CBE member, this is a wonderful time to consider joining us. Please click here to join our membership. There are several options for membership CBE is committed to ensuring that the cost of membership does not stand in the ay of joining our community. If your financial situation requires a dues adjustment please contact Lauren Shenkman at 718.768.3814 x242 or to arrange a private conversation about dues cost.
Non-members are invited to join our Brooklyn Jews services (a welcoming service aimed to people in their 20's and 30's) or Altshul services (traditional egalitarian services). Click here for Brooklyn Jews tickets or here for Altshul tickets."
"Kolot Chayeinu’s doors are open all year long to everyone, as are these High Holy Days services and celebrations, where no ticket or advance reservation is required. In this same spirit, it takes all of us—including you—to make these sacred days possible. Whether or not you can contribute our request of $360 per person for non-members and $180 per person for dues-paying members, Kolot’s vibrant community needs 100% of us to financially support these High Holy Days services and celebrations. Thank you for supporting Kolot with those suggested amounts or a contribution of any amount that is significant to you. In doing so, you are ensuring that Kolot’s doors will always be open to everyone." Click here for full information about times and locations of services.