Brooklyn Public Library waiving overdue fines for you damn kids

When I was a kid, I dreaded the moments my mom told me I had mail. Usually, it meant that the library was sending me a late fee. I was always getting in trouble by the library: taking out books and forgetting to return them until weeks past the due date. I'm kinda' surprised they never took away my membership. Or that my mom never found out. I mean, I basically spent all of my allowance on late fees. Didn't she wonder where that money went?
Well the Brooklyn Public Library doesn't want that to happen to you. So between now and October 21, they're granting amnesty for kids and teens who have fines on their library cards. All you have to do is go to any Brooklyn Public Library location and ask! Oh, and return any of your overdue materials. Lastly -- and somewhat randomly -- they also need you to take something else out. Most likely with the promise that you'll return it on time.
I'm not sure why they're waving fees like that. Maybe if they actually went through with collecting that money, the library on 9th street and 6th ave might be back open. Nonetheless, I take this as further proof that kids these days have it way too easy. And that I'm getting way too old if I'm saying things like that.