Breeders, Ballers, Show Us Your Tits! Oops. That Was Yesterday.

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Did you know yesterday was official Go Topless Day in New York (and many other cities that we don’t care about since we are the epicenter of the world)? DNAInfo even provided a handy-dandy guide to the best places to go topless in NYC, and we were too fucking busy trying to figure out who da fuq Becky G is to notice. Day-um.
As it turns out, it’s legal to let your pillows bounce in Park Slope or anywhere in New York, whenever your want. There was a 1992 ruling that allows ladies, with or without a baby or pasties covering delicate areolas to go sans shirt.
Earlier this year a woman filed a lawsuit against the NYPD for detaining or arresting on numerous occasions for being topless. She bared ‘em on the A train, in Grand Central Oyster Bar and on The Staten Island Ferry. Apparently the cops were not aware that she didn’t need to keep her hubcaps hidden. After the lawsuit the NYPD officers were instructed that if they see topless women, they are not to arrest them for “simply exposing their breasts in public,” because a woman being topless is guilty of no crime.
I’ve seen many chesticles with a baby attached at Tea lounge or at the Garfield Tot Lot but rarely, ok NEVER just strutting down 5th Avenue or having a cucumber jalapeno margarita at Sidecar or a brew at Park Slope Ale House. Have you?
Did you celebrate yesterday?! Any Breeders bare their boobies without a baby attached? Any Ballers let their funbags fly? I kept my shy puppies under cover; I did do a side boob peek out. Does that count? Since we all now know that EVERYDAY is topless day, will you let your puppies out of their cotton cages?