Bored to Death Season 3 to Take Place Entirely on Coney Island
Posted by:
Ursula |
Thursday, August 18, 2011 at 1:30PM

When my rockin' FIPS editor asked me to write up a little blurb on the trailer for the forthcoming third season of Bored to Death I thought, "Great! I'll just write up a list of all the Brooklyn locations therein and challenge readers to find them all!" Unfortunately that idea died faster than one go round on the Cyclone -- there's only one location and zero clips of the upcoming season. We do have some inkling of what's in store, though. It's already known that George Christopher, much like his (presumed) real life counterpart, will be making the move from magazine editor to restaurateur this season and we might also assume the restaurant is doomed to fail, as Ted Danson is moving to CSI come September...