BK Charter School Says NO TOUCHING (Well, Hugging)

The Brooklyn Prospect Charter School in Windsor Terrace has jumped on the recent parental "ban wagon" by stomping out hugging between classes. According to the Brooklyn Paper, Principal Dan Rubinstein established the ban to prevent students from hanging out in the hallways between classes. “It’s a time, place, and manner thing," he said. We don’t want students spending too much social time between class."
Yes, I'm sure it's hard to imagine a middle school rife with tardiness because of excessive amounts of hugging. I mean, this age group is a prime time for B.O. (or worse, the Axe spray that covers it up) and acne. And even though the hormones start raging, everyone's way too insecure about these things to actually act on their lusty ways. Yet apparently these rule don't apply in the Magic Kingdom of Brooklyn.
Some parents say that the ban popped up a few months ago, after a 6th grader claimed she felt uncomfortable when an older student hugged her. But when the good ole BKP dug a little deeper, they found that the students themselves believe the rule came after a bunch of students started group hugging in the hallway, which was blocking their less-handsy peers from getting to class to class (how long can these hugs last? Where are the teachers monitoring the hallways, saying stuff like, 'Hey kiddos, cut this shit out and get back to class!'?)
Since the school draws many of its students from Park Slope, parents and students alike have been outspoken about the issue. Students who are already pissed off after being forced to wear uniforms this year are saying that this whole thing is just another way the charter school is stamping out their self-expression. One student said, defiantly, “It’s ridiculous; we do it anyway.” The punishment for illegal hugging? Recess detention.
Some parents have described the ban as "soul-crushing," while others have gone the middle way on this issue. Parent, Laura Seinz says, “It’s silly. If my son feels uncomfortable he can say it — there’s no need for a rule."
Former FIPS contributor Allison Pennell, whose daughter attends Brooklyn Prospect Charter School, told the Brooklyn Paper, "It's sort of much ado about nothing."