Vexed in Park Slope: When Animals Attack! Edition

NYPL Image Archive
Remember the Bronx Zoo cobra escape of early 2011? Of course you do. That story got more local news air time than 37% of all the murders in 2011 combined. Ok, I totally made that up. But I'm sure it's not far from truth. Let's face it, New Yorkers are more afraid of nature than we are of the myriad of frightening things that are just part and parcel of Big City living. So it should be no surprise that denizens of Park Slope have long been terrorized by critters run amok. For example, in November of 1921 a . . .
17! People! Bit! The Times reports that an otherwise quiet Sunday night in Park Slope was interrupted by a crazed dog who ran through Flatbush, Park Slope and Bath Beach (that's a lot of running!) biting people all along the route. The fates of those bitten by the rabid mutt are lost to history, but the dog's is known: he was taken down by a single bullet at the intersection of Smith and Carroll Streets late that night. I guess he was all bitten out by the time he made his way into Carroll Gardens.
Thirty years later, the good people of our neighborhood found themselves once again cowering at the furry of a tireless beast: