Again With the Park Slope YMCA Dads

Sometimes, the best shit on the interwebz is in the comments.
Case in point: a late eve tweet from @ParkSlopeGossip alerted me to the fact that there was some interesting commentary in the Daily Intel post about YMCA Daddy Gate Oh niners. In 140 characters or less, it was alluded to that some Park Slope BREEDERS (who shall remain nameless...unless, of course, you shelled out $25 dinero for a Park Slope Parents membership), were none too happy with all the chatter over on En Y Mag dot com.
So I surfed on over to Daily Intel and started sifting through the 3 pages of comments. There were definitely a few that were totally fucking hilarious inappropriate, such as this one from LZA:
"Plenty of men in Park Slope have breasts. It's where men go to pack on the pounds of flab and be emasculated by their pushy, terrifying wives. Just went to a 1 year old's birthday party there and I'm scarred for life."
And there was this one from NYAARON:
"...these parents go to extremes to defy stereotypical gender roles. This is why you have daddies who stay at home and breast feed their infants and mommies who don't shave their legs and use large strap-on devices on daddies. Growing up in this environment ensures that these kids will have no moral compass and be addicted to coke by sophomore year of high school."
But truthfully, I was most entertained by this comment from SPERM7:
"can we be friends so we can chat all ways am on lion peals this is my ID sperm1479@ that is because i want to land and no more about you .................... THANK YOU."
So desperate was SPERM7 to be heard, s/he left this comment 11 times peppered throughout the remaining 3 pages of (mostly) BREEDER hate. 11 TIMES, people!? That means that SPERM7 must be vurry, vurry serious about her/his quest to learn more about us...them...whomever.
Who are you SPERM7? Where are you? And most importantly, would you like to guest post for us?
But, alas, our dreams were shattered when we read down a bit farther and realized that TILL507 got her/his grubby little internet hands on SPERM7 before we could:
"Just got done talking to Sperm7 on "lion peals" and I have to admit: he/she is quite the charmer. Sperm7, you now have permission to land, and from our conversation it feels like you knew me all along."
Thank you, internet. Once, again....thank you.

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