Abandoned Car On Brooklyn Bridge -- No Biggie or WTF?

Image via CNN.com
On Monday evening, just as tons of people were probably driving home from Memorial Day weekend, the Brooklyn Bridge was closed in both directions for about an hour and twenty mintues (according to the Notify NYC texts I still get since Hurricane Sandy), due to an abandoned vehicle smack in the middle of the fucking bridge on the Manhattan-bound side. According to CNN:
The SUV had no plates, nor did it have a vehicle identification number, according to Christopher Miller, a spokesman with the New York City Office of Emergency Management.
Every report has been pretty vague, like, we checked it out, didn't find anything and now we can all go on our merry way. No worries, people! Nothing to see here!
And I just gotta say: What. The. Fuck. Seriously, are we just supposed to let this slide in post 9/11 New York? Didn't someone see something? Like, a driver getting out of a car (WITH NO PLATES) in the middle of the fucking Brooklyn Bridge at the height of holiday traffic on fucking Memorial Day???
Call me crazy, but I kinda need some follow-up on this story.