A Park Slope Mom Left $700 Worth of Stuff Unattended in a Bugaboo. Guess What Happened?

Photo via www.useragent.orgFun fact: If you leave expensive shit unattended on the street it will probably be stolen! A 30 year-old Park Slope mom learned this the hard way when someone made off with over $700 worth of stuff she left in an unattended stroller.
The poor* mom left the stroller outside while she picked up her child from the daycare at 7th Street between 5th and 6th Ave, around 6pm on December 13. She assumed it would be okay since, as she told the New York Post, “ I'm in and out and parents are going and coming as well. It is pretty safe here.” A slightly-less-trusting mom also had her bag stolen that day but according to the daycare owner, Rita, “the bag was empty so they threw it out.”
Here’s another fun fact: you can pretend Park Slope isn’t in the city, but it is. It’s not a gated community. In fact, people are more likely to take the subway into Park Slope to steal shit than they are to look for Bugaboos to jack in their own neighborhoods. So please folks, remember that it’s not a good idea to leave expensive shit sitting out in the open, unattended in New York. I’m sorry if it makes you feel cynical inside to be distrusting and I’m sorry if it shatters your illusions of Park Slope being a perfect little neighborhood. But not as sorry as you’ll be when your shit has been jacked.
*By “poor” I mean “unfortunate.” She’s certainly not “poor” in the “lacking money” sense of the word. Among her stolen belongings were an iPhone 4S and a $250 wallet filled with her credit cards (one of which was rejected when the thieves tried to make a $100 order from a pizzeria)
[Via the Post]