10 Things You May Not Have Known About MLK JR.

Most of us have the day off from work, yes? Whether you spend the day brunching with friends or holing up in your apartment in an attempt to avoid frost bite of the entire face, let us remember a leading figure in the advancement of civil rights. Here are ten little-known facts about Martin Luther King Jr.
#10: Martin Luther King Jr. Day was not recognized as a paid national holiday by all 50 states until 2000 (Time).
#9: The U2 song "Pride (In the Name of Love)" was written about Martin Luther King Jr. (Post Chronicle).
#8: Martin Luther King Jr. went to Morehouse College at the age of just 15 (BBC).
#7: Martin Luther King Jr. is the youngest man to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, at the age of 35 (Nobel).
#6: He saved the original series of Star Trek by encouraging Nichelle Nichols, who played Uhura, to stay on the show (The National Post).
#5: Martin Luther King Jr. died at the age of 39. He himself predicted that he would not live until 40 (BBC).
#4: Martin Luther King Jr. was the first black American to be named TIME Man of the Year (TIME).
#3: Over 730 streets in the U.S. are named after Martin Luther King Jr. (WS Journal).
#2: Martin Luther King Jr. traveled over 6 million miles during his lifetime (Nobel).
#1: Martin Luther King Jr. was actually born "Michael Luther King Jr." (Nobel).
You hear that, Trekkies? You have MLK Jr. to thank for saving your show. You're welcome.