'Hungry Mad'
So, I was out with some people the other night and one of the girls goes: "I don't know...sometimes I just forget to eat!" Tee hee hee!
Ok, so:
- If you ever say that in my presence, know that despite the fact that I might be using restraint and self-control and I'm standing there smiling at your ass, I do, indeed, wanna punch you in the face very hard.
- WTF is wrong with you?
- Don't say that anymore. Ever. Again.
As a lifetime fat girl, I just can't relate to this shit like at ALL. Never once, ever, have I "forgotten" to eat. In fact, if I'm hungry and there is something preventing me from eating, I can quickly shift into "hungry mad" mode or "hangry" as some people like to call it.
Basically this means: if someone doesn't get me some fucking food immediately, I'm going to be a gigantic, over-the-top bitch until I get some.
I know that eating disorders are like not funny at all, but also: I have a certain level of respect for people who are anorexic. Cause that shit takes the sort of dedication that I cannot manage.